The International league 2025
Rules and conditions
Federated Valencian players only. Players who are pending registration or change from another region to Valencia federation are eligible to play when their Valencian federation membership is verified.
4 Fourballs Better ball Matchplay
There is no limit to the number of players you can use. There is a maximum of 20 players on a panel, but a panel of at least 8 players must be submitted when registering for the tournament 2025. Later you may replace some team members provided your team consists of 20 players maximum.
Players’ handicaps to be declared at the beginning of the league and these are the handicaps that will endure for the tournament. After registering your initial team, the last chance to adjust your team handicaps will be one week before the first league match on 8th. March, 2025, by emailing Denis at If you add a player later in the year, will you please use their lowest handicap. It is most important that the captain declares the LOWEST handicap of the player. That is either a society or federation handicap. Golf after all is a game of honour and each captain is responsible for declaring the correct handicap.
Breach of rule: loss of match and points.
As most society golfers cannot avail of the opportunity of having their handicap adjusted, we will accept their society handicap without applying the adjustment formula, if this is a true reflection of their playing ability. (The formula requires that the handicap is multiplied by approximately .85 or .88 to create a Spanish handicap
Consequently, we will not apply the slope on any course to federated handicaps, as federated players normally have their handicaps adjusted according to the difficulty of the course. Therefore, handicaps will be the lowest declared handicap, no slope applied and 75% of the difference. The lowest handicapped player plays off scratch and the other players receive 75% of the difference with a maximum of one shot per hole.
Division 1 Maximum combined handicap 24.
Division 2 Maximum combined handicap 36.
Division 3 Maximum combined handicap 48.
Reductions to reach the maximum combined in each Division . The highest handicap has 60% reduction and the lower a 40% reduction.
There is a maximum of 1 shot per hole that a player can receive in each division. It really is in the best interest of each team to make sure pairs are within the limit.
Match Day
On Match Day, you nominate 4 pairs, plus two substitutes. You may substitute a player up to 24 hours beforehand or on match day for extraordinary conditions, by notifying the tournament director. A straight swap player for player with no changing of pairs or order. The captain selects the team order, not the lowest handicap.
Registration and payment of entry fee on or before lunchtime Thursday of the week preceding the game.
The fee is now €340 per team. As it can take up to 5 working days for a payment to reach an account, can you please make sure your payment is made in good time. A team or player whose fees including federation fees are not paid up to date in advance may not compete in the league.
The initial €100 booking deposit is refundable provided all fixtures, both international league and presidents trophy, are fulfilled. If not, the deposit is lost.
On all team sheets you need to clearly identify your team name, and your individual pairs. Handicaps must be taken from the initial sheet you used to register your players for the tournament. Valencian Licence numbers will also be needed.
From January 2025 each team may add any number of players to their panel to a maximum of 20 before the second last game at El Bosque on 25th. September, 2025.
It has come to light that some players have transferred their licence to the federation without handicap. There are two licence types, one with handicap and one without. Please make sure you have a federated Valencia handicap. We can usually resolve problems within 24 hours with the correct form completed.
Please use the correct team sheet, already sent to each captain. When submitting your team sheet, please send in a Separate email each time. DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR TEAM BY REPLYING TO AN EMAIL I have sent to you.
Clearly indicate the team name and venue. Send only ONE team sheet. If in the event you must substitute a player, send an email with your team sheet and the adjustment: replacement player name, federation number and the name of the player being replaced. Once a team is submitted the order cannot be changed.
Scoring System
Points awarded: 2 for a win and 1 for a draw.
Tee times will be a morning and afternoon two tees start from 08.00, and will alternate from fixture to fixture. 0R shotgun starts depending on daylight. If you have any special requirements, such as early or late start, please notify the organiser ( John O Brien ) when registering your team for that event and we will try to meet your needs. Please be aware that it can also depend on your opponent’s requirements.
The sooner we get the teams registered the sooner we can formulate the divisions. The three divisions will be based on the 8 names submitted for each team with their handicap total being used to determine each division.
Speed of Play
Slow play 4 hours and 50 minutes maximum. At the start of play each match puts the start time on their card. Approximately, 1.35 for 6 holes, 2.25 for 9, 3.10 for 12 failure to complete your round in 4.50 both teams lose this game. Players should monitor the speed of play themselves. If it is obvious that a player or match are particularly slow then it is up to the opponents or the match behind to request a speeding up of play or report the slow play to the referee.
If a match loses 2 or more clear holes to the game in front of them, the four players of the slow match will be asked to pass to within 1 hole of the group in front. If they then lose another hole and the gap becomes 2 or more holes again the referee will follow the same procedure. If the referee adjudged one pair to be the cause of undue slow play, he may apply the loss of hole rule in matchplay.
If you have finished your match and as a courtesy to those playing behind or the need to re-hire the buggy could you please leave the course and return your card to the referee.
Division 1,2 and 3 Prizes.
In the event of a tie for any prize, the tie will be decided on the combined handicap of the 8 players playing the final match. If the handicaps total is still the same, we will look at the lowest 10 players on your panel and award the title to the lowest combined 10 handicaps. If it is still a tie, the toss of a coin will decide the outcome.
Presidents Cup 2025.
There are four dates in February, May, July and September for this competition which is a team event with 8 players playing singles stableford and the best 7 cards to count on the day. The team with the highest total stableford points from 7 cards will be awarded 25 points, 2nd – 23 points, 3rd- 21 points and 4th. – 20 points and down 1 point at a time for the remaining positions.
The same scoring will apply to each of the four events and the team with the highest points for the four events will be the winners. In the event of a tie the winning team on the last event will be declared the winners.
Contact details
Can you send an email that identifies who you are clearly, and please confirm your team and name in all correspondence. Email submitting your team should be sent to only.
Bank Details
Bank Details for €100 refundable deposit (refundable if all fixtures in both The Presidents Cup and The International League are fulfilled ), and all event green fees of €340, are available by emailing Denis at
http://Team Sheet Matches International League 2024
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